Monday, September 16, 2024

Top 5 Self-Defense Weapons for Everyday Carry: Empowering Your Personal Safety


Look at the news any day of the week, and you will find out that you need to protect yourself from violence. We are living in perilous times, and it has become more vital that you can protect yourself. So, Master Peter Brusso, I decided to start writing blogs to help the reader get options for their protection.

As I have been doing this sort of thing for over 60 years, ouch on me, I’m getting old, but that means I have seen all kinds of violence and have been in many violent situations myself, from War to teaching the Marines in their MCMAP program and owning three martial arts studios for over 40 years.

Yep, I think I have seen my fair share of craziness. I trained six hours a day for over 30 years for that one moment of violence in my life. Well, as it turned out, I had a few on purpose as I used to get mugged, mostly in foreign countries, but the pattern is much the same.

What I teach works, and so I wanted to weigh in on what might help the readers prepare for their moment of violence. I wanted to introduce the reader to the term “Everyday Carry,” or EDC for short. It would be best if you decided what you might want to carry with you every day, EDC, for your protection. It could be that you don’t want to carry or be prepared for violence, and that is your choice.

However, when that moment comes, you will be very sorry you didn’t plan for it to happen to you and your loved ones. Why have car insurance? Why have health insurance? We hope we never need it, but when that day comes, and it does for most of us, you will have some peace of mind and know that you can handle things.

Self-defense weapons have gained some level of popularity, and they can enhance your safety. To that degree, I wanted to discuss some options that you can look at. Perhaps it might be multiple options, which I suggest is a good idea. What backup self-defense weapon might be good for that role? Both fit into the EDC rules, so let’s start to explore what those rules are, and then you can measure self-defense weapons against that set of rules.

Video of this blog post for those who like to watch a blog rather than read it... Enjoy

The Rules for Selecting Everyday Carry Self-Defense Weapons:

 There are really only four rules to consider for your EDC.

The first rule is that it must be portable. The weapon should be easy to carry without competing with your daily activities. Let’s take the handy and very effective “Sledgehammer. “One of my hilarious videos was made by a comedian who dresses up like a gangster and holds up a sledgehammer that is over three feet long.

He calls it “Sammy” and then goes about his tail, showing the Defender One self-defense tool. He goes on to say that Sammy works very well at smashing things and protecting himself. But it isn’t easy to carry that into a bar or the like. Then he shows his new little friend, the Defender One, and I’m sure you get the picture.

So, portability is essential in your choice of self-defense weapons. Think of trying to carry a sledgehammer around with you: it would certainly complicate your daily activities. That wouldn’t be a good choice.

The second rule is effectiveness. The choice of self-defense weapons for your safety must be capable of deterring and, if necessary, stopping an attacker. I’m sure that if you pull out Sammy and take a stance ready to swing it at someone, that might deter them. It would make even me think twice, but poor Sammy doesn’t meet the portability rule or rule one. What you need to do is create a powerful visual, psychic disincentive to attack. Sammy, for sure, does that, but now we need to make sure all our self-defense weapons do precisely that.

We are not talking about knives in this article, but if we were, you can imagine pulling out a knife and showing the attacker. If that knife had a blade on it that was, say, suggestively ugly or something you don’t want to have come after you, that would do it. A “Talon” curved blade pulled out looks very intimidating.

Remember the scene from “Crocodile Dundee,” where the attacker pulled out a knife and pointed at “Dundee.” Then Dundee pulled out a knife that was more like a machete and said in his Australian accent, “That’s not a knife, mate, this is.” The attacker took one look at this blade, which had to be two feet long compared to his six-inch knife, and the attacker met a “Powerful visual psychic disincentive.”

The third rule deals with legal status. I know, I wouldn’t say I like this talk, too, but you must make sure that what you use to defend yourself is legal, or you might find yourself in jail awaiting trial of the bad guy who isn’t in jail. So, you must check the area where you intend to EDC your weapon. This can be a bit more daunting than you might think, but it must be done.

The fourth rule is it must be easy to use. You would be amazed at how difficult a weapon is to use when you have adrenaline running through your veins. There are two types of motor skills you have: fine and gross. When you are not afraid or in an adrenaline state, you can use your fine motor skills.

Take, for example, cutting a steak with a knife. If you do that at the table, no problem; if you were scared to death and had to cut that same steak, well, you would find out it would be a mess. That mess is because you had only gross motor skills to use because of the adrenaline. Even the simplest tasks can seem clumsy and challenging to perform.

With this all in mind, let’s take a look at five of your possible choices for self-defense weapons, from two, one primary, and one secondary. As you learn about these, I want you to keep in mind that your self-defense is much like peeling an onion. Your plan should be layered with capability.

Something that when the bad guy comes a calling, you give him the bad day. This could mean starting your defense at a distance, and if that doesn’t work, you have another self-defense weapon to handle that range of attack. Think of far away, medium distance away from you, and then the ultimate up close and personal distance. I will cover more of this in other articles, too, but it’s essential to have this thought in your mind as you read this article.


Now, let’s explore our top 5 self-defense weapons for everyday carry:


1. Pepper Spray


Pepper Spray or Pepper Gel gives you a stand-off distance, and it can be priceless. It provides a crucial safety buffer for your personal safety. As with most weapons, the range, strength, and capability vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Pepper Spray or Pepper Gel are easy to use and have a reasonable shelf life, so you don’t need to worry about it working or replacing it very often. You must check this shelf life with the brand that you intend to purchase and use.

This weapon has a simple-to-use spray mechanism. It has a lock that must be moved from safe to use, and then it’s just point and Spray. Once the weapon is in the spray position, the Spray or gel is clearly easy to use.

Most models have an ergonomic design with a finger grip and safety switch, thus allowing for quick deployment in a high-stress situation. Practice is a must with any weapon you intend to use for your protection, and to that end, there are Pepper Stray trainers that you can purchase for this purpose.

If not, try going through an attack scenario from a friend or loved one in which you must get your

Pepper Spray in your hands and go through the motions of moving it from safety to Spray, simulating the Spray. The attacker might want to simulate getting a dose of the Spray or Gel so you can role-play even further.

It must be safe! Perhaps use some packing tape and tape over the head of the unit so you can’t accidentally move it from safe to spray. Safety is best, but it would be non-lethal if something were to happen.

As mentioned, the Spray is non-lethal, and it causes an intense burning sensation to the eyes, nose, and throat, along with temporary blindness. If this wasn’t enough, the subject of the Spray will find it difficult to breathe, too. This is all temporary but can last up to 45 minutes. All this capability makes it part of a weapon system for your protection and usually doesn’t carry the legal or ethical complications of lethal weapons.

Legal regulations vary from place to place, so you must check the jurisdiction on the status of carrying such a weapon. Always check your local laws before you purchase or carry Pepper Spray or Pepper Gel.

Back to the variety of Pepper Sprays. I side with the concept of using streams of Pepper mixture rather than an aerosol. Streams are less affected by wind, which can blow the Pepper Spray into you rather than the bad guy. Also, if you need to use it in a confined space, you don’t get the contamination of a Spray when you use streams. As for the foams, well, I’m not so sure of them as they can be affected by wind, and perhaps they don’t have the distance of a stream of Pepper Gel.


The other thing to consider is the wind and rain aspect of any of these Pepper dispensers. A spray is most certainly affected by both wind and rain. A Pepper Gel is not so much. So, these are the things you should consider when choosing your protection.

Blowback is a huge issue, so depending on your situation and where you think you might need to deploy your pepper mixture, Spray, foam, or gel, you should seriously consider it. Also, with this weapon, you have a finite number of shots or sprays; then it’s gone. There is also a shelf life to consider, too. Some units can get from 6 to 35 shots, depending on the size and model of your dispenser.


2. Stun Gun


I have worked with the inventor and founder of Stun gun technologies, and I even have a patent with my partner in this industry. The inventor’s name is Jack Covar, who passed away years ago, but I got to see the development of the entire industry. His first taser guns were actually tested on Buffalo! It was amazing to see them get taken down with a nine-volt battery.

The Stun guns are known as “Touch Tasers” as they do not fire projectiles that attach to the bad guy; instead, they deliver their shock. That isn’t what this section is about, but I just wanted the reader to know that there are other weapons in this industry that you might want to look into.

When you use a Stun Gun, you touch an attacker in particular places. If possible, push a button, and it delivers a shock to the bad guy that travels between the two probes on the Stun Gun. This electric shock causes pain and can disrupt the attacker’s muscles plus nerves that are between the two probes.

The shock can help you get away from the bad guy, or you can seek help.

There typically is no permanent damage, but if they fall, they can get seriously hurt, so one should be aware of that. In some cases, you might not care and even hope they hurt themselves. In other cases, like family or friends, you want the attack to stop.

The effects of the Stun Gun are intense but temporary. Again, typically, it causes no lasting harm. There are cases where if the attacker has a heart condition, the shock can initiate a heart attack because of the pain, but it is more about them getting too excited. Things do happen, but it isn’t from the Stun Gun; it’s from the situation.

A Stun Gun can be a powerful deterrent to an attacker. If you push the button, it will fire a huge bolt of electricity between the two probes, and this could be a powerful visual psychic disincentive for them. This show of power can be good and bad. In one way, it shows your hand, and in the other way, it can be a huge surprise.

Most Stun Guns are rechargeable, and that can be good and bad. I like the ones that are not rechargeable because you can carry extra batteries with you at all times, so if you know you are going into a bad place, just put in fresh batteries.

Some models of Stun Gun’s come with extra features like flashlights or even personal alarms. These can be useful, but they really are not necessarily for your safety.


To work physically, you have to be in close quarters with your attacker. I don’t mind that at all for various reasons, which are somewhat out of the scope of this post. As usual, close-range defense or offensive can be a bit risky, but the huge element of surprise is on your side.

Off-balancing the attacker with your attack can save your life. Showing them what you have means they are prepared to fight you more now that they know whatever they want is behind a Stun Gun.

They are ready for it and have a plan before they step in. This is in contrast to the huge surprise that can offbalance them in such a way you can even attack them multiple times before they know what has happened. The damage done, they might retreat, or you may have time to escape.

Stun guns may be restricted in some areas, so you must check the laws where you intend to carry one. Always check the local laws and, in some cases, the federal laws.

Using a Stun Gun can lead to you getting shocked, too. An accidental self-shock can be painful but not typically dangerous. Proper training and practice will mitigate this risk.


3. Tactical Pen


I personally love tactical pens, but unfortunately, the TSA has them on their no-fly list. However, as we

discuss this topic, think about finding an inexpensive metal case pen that can work in similar ways. I even saw one at a bargain store that ends with “Mart,” you fill in the blanks, but they have some tremendous tactical pens without knowing about it.

They are discreet and multifunctional, which is very attractive in a self-defense weapon. They allow you to carry a tactical pen or the like into various environments where most weapons can’t go, which is a good thing.

This is high on my list of EDCs, and learning how to use it is fast and easy. My Defenders work well in this environment, too, and are even more fully featured in capability than a tactical pen, but that is mostly out of the scope of this post.

The metal construction of tactical pens allows them to strike particular areas of the body without breaking. Some of the models even come with a textured grip to help you hold onto the weapon when using it. You can also add friction tape to the pen if you are improvising to something off the shelf, all to help you hold the pen when in use.

The pen’s narrow profile concentrates the force into a small area, thus causing damage that is larger than you might think. You use this tool to attack the pressure points of the body or points of opportunity.

As mentioned, it is legal in most areas but not anywhere the TSA checkpoints for passengers are deployed. This can be trains, buses, and, of course, airplanes. Many clubs screen their guest coming in and will flag your tactical pen, but that is a case-by-case situation. Again, check the local laws about carrying a tactical pen.

Tactical pens are very durable and constructed of robust materials that far exceed those of a regular pen. They are designed to withstand the rigors of everyday carry and use against an attacker, including extreme heat, cold, rain, and other weather conditions.

One might not think of this, but tactical pens, in addition to self-defense capabilities, can collect DNA for later testing. Yep, you can CSI the bad guy. Some of the pens also incorporate small flashlights and even glass breakers (auto glass as in escape), so those features can be convenient.


This weapon does require close contact range. That should be no surprise to anyone, but when you think about that onion, as I mentioned earlier, distance is a crucial thing to understand about your personal defense. We are at the heart of the onion now, and it is up close and personal with that attacker. Close-range work can be risky, but it is better than the alternative, which is to be a victim.

It does require that you learn to use a tactical pen. If you need to use one, it will be in a high-stress situation, and you need to train for that environment. You need to understand the target areas, grip methods, and striking techniques.

The stopping power of a tactical pen, when used appropriately, can be devastating. However, in most cases, it is a strong deterrent to an attacker. Users should be prepared to attack multiple times with the pen, and you do this until the aggression stops.


4. Personal Alarm


Personal alarms have their possible sound effects, but to me, they are one-dimensional. Making sounds

to attract attention is good, but for me, I teach people to yell FIRE, and that gets everyone’s attention. At that point, every home or business owner calls 911, and both fire plus police come almost instantly.

A personal alarm, once heard, could be dismissed on so many levels, and nothing could be done at all. Even the attacker could move in to silence the alarm, knocking it out of one’s hand and perhaps smashing it on the ground with his foot—end of sentence.

It might scare an attacker off as the personal alarm could draw unwanted attention to his attack on a person. It might deter attackers while minimizing bodily harm or an escalation of the attack.

It is nonviolent and non-lethal, and at most personal alarms, it emits an ear-piercing 120 decibels sound, equivalent to the sound of a jet engine taking off. This loud and intense sound can be heard considerable distances away from the alarm, perhaps out to 1000 feet away from the attack.

The loud and intense sound can startle and disorient an attacker, which might give you crucial time to escape the situation. No special training is required to operate this self-defense device, either. Push a button or pull a pin, and off it sounds. This is easy even under a high-stress situation. Most of these devices come with long-lasting battery life as well, and some even come with low battery warnings.

Some can come with flashlights to help you navigate in the dark and GPS tracking capabilities that allow loved ones to track your position when activated. There are even some that connect to smartphone apps for even more added security.


This device has one major drawback: It relies on others to help you. If you are out in the wilderness hiking, well, who is going to hear it or come? Perhaps someone might, but the odds of that happening drop with the reduction of nearby humans. Even if they did come to see what the noise was, would they be willing to help you? A motivated attacker might even find it fun that you fired off your noise maker. This is especially so if the attacker believes that the alarm is less likely to draw immediate attention.

At the extreme volume, it could be disorienting, and thus, the attacker might become confused. In a high-stress situation, a loud noise may add to confusion or panic, therefore interrupting the attacker’s plans. The third rule in combat is to interrupt the enemy’s program and plan of attack, and this might do just that.

The other drawback is that it is battery operated, and thus, it might malfunction due to low batteries or even dead batteries. So, part of your self-defense plan is to change those batteries once a month.


5. Ivan Key Chain Defender


The Ivan Key Chain Defender comes with an industrial-strength key ring so that you can put your

essential keys on that ring. Thus, whenever you carry your car keys, your defender is right with you. When you come out of work, you put your keys in your hand and walk out to your car. Once home, you might carry your keys to your front door, and all the time, you are ready to deploy this little bad boy to assist your defense.

The Ivan has a place for your thumb and pointing finger to hold the tool. The keys are also in the palm of your hand, giving you a good grip on your weapon. The two teeth are pointed forward with a wide gap to help you dig into flesh and muscle when you attack your opponent. It also allows you to put the teeth over the fingers that have grabbed you and snap them right off your body.

You can quickly thrust the Ivan into the neck with the pointy teeth, turn or twist, and the opponent can be seriously damaged. You can apply those teeth to easy targets like the throat, nose, or even the eyes. You can do a fair amount of damage to your attacker before they know what hit them.

Another plus is that it is part of your key chain and, therefore, very clandestine. Its unassuming appearance allows you to blend it into your everyday items. This will enable you to carry a potent self-defense tool without raising suspicion or drawing unwanted attention.


The Ivan Key Chain Defender offers multifunctional capabilities, and it adapts well to many different threat scenarios. You can strike with it, attack pressure points, and even perform control holds. This gives you options in response to the potential dangers of a violent attack. Few tools do that, and therefore, it is exciting as an option for self-defense.

It is easy to carry and easy to access whenever you need it. This makes it great for EDC; the tool is always within reach. The integration with your keys makes it less likely you will forget to bring your self-defense weapon with you on your trips into the cruel world. The familiar act of just grabbing your keys can now double as getting access to your self-defense device.

It takes less than ten minutes to learn how to use the Ivan from free online training. Its ergonomic and revolutionary design guides your grip and is designed for intuitive use. The learning curve is short, but the paybacks are huge with this new and revolutionary tool.

The Ivan is very durable. It is constructed from acrylic, which is weatherproof, high-strength, and easy to withstand the rigors of daily use. No batteries are required, either.


The Ivan will not be immediately able to provide a powerful visual psychic disincentive to attack. However, once an attacker sees you hold it, with those two wide points leveled at his eyes or throat, they might think twice about attacking you. However, in the case of brandishing a self-defense tool to scare off an attractor, this might not scare them.

It does require you to be in a close-quarters fight. This isn’t the first choice, but several things go in your favor. One, in a court of law, you have no problem proving the attacker meant you physical harm or that you were in fear for your life. Second, in a close-quarters battle, the targets come to you. The attacker comes onto you, and therefore, you can attack vital targets with ease.

It does require you to train for ten minutes to learn how to use it. You might need to practice from time to time to get to feel at ease with your Ivan’s capabilities. One thing is also for sure: at least you will have some confidence that you can defend yourself, and criminals recognize this fact; thus, they may change their minds about attacking you. It happens more than you might think.

We always advise that you check your local laws to see if the Ivan Key Chain is considered a weapon. Is it called out by name or function? Always research the federal laws as well as the local ones if you plan to carry an Ivan Key Chain.


Comparison Chart

Please use this chart to help you with your decisions.


Selecting an everyday carry, EDC, weapon, or weapons is a personal choice. It will depend on many factors, such as your specific needs, lifestyle, and local laws. Regardless of whether you choose the Ivan Key Chain or one of the other top five weapons, it would be best if you remembered that your safety is about more than what you are carrying as a weapon.

Selecting the right self-defense weapon for everyday carry is a personal decision based on your specific needs, lifestyle, and local laws. Whether you opt for the versatile Ivan Key Chain Defender or another option from our top 5 list, remember that personal safety is about more than just carrying a weapon.

I have written a book on situational awareness, and this is where your safety begins. Stay aware of your surroundings and, above all, trust your instincts. Choosing the right self-defense weapon and committing to responsible ownership and use can significantly enhance your personal security. You can walk with confidence in your daily life, and, again, more often than you think, this can be the greatest deterrent to getting attacked in the first place.

It is said that the best self-defense weapon is the one you have precisely when you need it. Choose to get a weapon that fits seamlessly into your everyday life and carry. You must always be ready to defend yourself.

Another saying that rings true is, “It’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.” This saying underscores the importance of being prepared for all unexpected situations or attacks. In the case of the Defenders, these tools take about twenty minutes to train on how to use them, and they are highly affordable. The Defenders come in various models depending on your need for self-protection.

I don’t sell the other top five items in this post, so you will need to explore those options on your own. However, if you go over to, you will find free online training and educational videos. You can also explore all the various models of Self-Defense weapons or Defenders. The website is, and you can also find the testimonials that we get almost every day, as they are very enlightening.

If you need any assistance or have questions, please get in touch with me via our contact form as I’m Master Peter Brusso, always eager to help in your self-defense choices, and that means even if it isn’t about the Defenders. In addition, there are many “Add-ons” for the defenders you should look at or discuss with us.

I urge you to stay prepared and safe and to empower yourself regarding your right to personal safety. Your loved ones might thank you one day. If you liked this post, please leave a comment. Again, stay safe in your life and travels.

Master Peter Brusso

Bonus Material

Home security, defense weapons, and defense products are complicated, especially for those who don’t deal with them every day, let alone those looking into EDC. Later, I will cover a baton and collapsible batons, and we shall view the byrna gun system, which is really cool. It shoots pepper balls and has even rubber training slugs to practice with. It is CO2 gas-powered, but they have gone to extreme lengths to make sure the CO2 cartridge really works, which has been, in the past, the greatest failing of any CO2-powered self-defense weapon.

We will review all the accessories for these weapons and all the products and see how each product is rated. These reviews will be critical and necessary to look at before you put something into your cart. Some weapons are more accessible for women to handle, and we shall consider this as well as the options for self-defense weapons for the youth and the elderly. Topics are not common, and to many, they are not PC, but that is a reality of our safety.

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