Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Avoid getting mugged and carry a self-defense tool!


No one wants to get mugged. It's a scary, dangerous situation that can leave you feeling shaken and violated. But there are methods you can use to avoid being a victim. Knowing your surroundings and taking simple precautions can help keep yourself safe from muggers.

 Don't Be a Victim: How to Avoid Getting Mugged In any big city, it's always a good idea to know how to avoid getting mugged. Unfortunately, muggers are always looking for their next victim, and they can be anywhere. You can, however, decrease your chances of becoming a target. Here are some tips from the pros on how to avoid getting mugged.

 No one likes being vulnerable, even less so when that vulnerability could lead to something as serious as getting mugged. It is best to avoid getting mugged by carrying a self-defense tool with you at all times. Whether it's a can of pepper spray, a taser, or a knife, having something to defend yourself with can help you feel more confident and safe. But even the best self-defense items can only protect you if you take some basic safety precautions. Check out these tips to avoid getting mugged and keep yourself safe. Always be aware of your surroundings. When it comes to preventing mugging, awareness is critical.

 According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which the U.S. Department of Justice conducts, there were an estimated 2,584,000 robberies in the United States in 2021. That means that every 3.8 seconds, someone in America was mugged. Many believe carrying a self-defense tool can help deter would-be attackers and help keep you safe if you are attacked.

 Mugging prevention

Many people need to learn how to avoid getting mugged. Keeping an eye on your surroundings is essential, and take precautions to prevent yourself from becoming a victim. Here are some tips from the pros on how to avoid getting mugged:

 1. Be aware of your surroundings. If you're walking alone, be aware of who is around you and their actions. If you see someone who looks suspicious, cross the street or walk in the opposite direction.

2. Don't carry all your valuables with you. If you must carry a purse or wallet, keep it in a front pocket where it's more difficult for someone to grab it and run.

3. Keep your head up and make eye contact with those around you. This will help you appear confident and less like a target for thieves.

4. Don't wear expensive-looking jewelry. This will attract thieves and make you a target.

5. Don't use your cell phone or listen to music while walking. It will take your attention away from what's going on around you.

6. If you're carrying a purse, hold it in a way that, if grabbed, you can release it quickly. Don’t wear it by the strap across your chest as this can be pulled, you are taken down to the ground, the strap breaks, they get the purse, and you get horribly injured.

7. Walk with purpose. If you know where you're going, you'll seem less of a target for thieves looking for easy targets.

8. Walk with a friend. This is always a good idea, but it's imperative if you're walking in a neighborhood you're unfamiliar with or around strangers.

9. Don’t walk with expensive-looking luggage.

10. Watch for obstacles in your path. Don't step in puddles or other wet areas that could leave you vulnerable to an attacker. Always watch where you're walking, and be aware of your surroundings.

11. Avoid isolated areas. If you must walk through an alley, only do so if you're confident it's safe.

12. Always be aware of where you are and who is around you.

13. If someone is following you, cross the street and change directions.

14. Walk in groups if possible, but don't allow yourself to be surrounded by others who could distract you from what's happening around you.

15. Keep your self-defense weapon [Defender] ready and in hand.

16. If you feel unsafe, enter a building or store and get the attention of others to let them know that you are feeling unsafe.

17. When entering your car, ensure it's locked before entering.

18. If you have children, walk with them.

19. If you see something suspicious, say something to the authorities.

 How to be aware of your surroundings

Regarding personal safety, it pays to be aware of your surroundings. But what does that mean, exactly? We asked security experts to share their top tips for staying safe in any situation.

 Here's what they had to say:

 1. Pay attention to your gut. It probably is only if something feels right. Trust your instinct and get out of there.

 2. Be aware of who or what is around you. This means keeping your head up and not being glued to your phone.

 3. Make eye contact with people around you. This shows that you're confident and not an easy target for criminals.

 4. Keep your belongings close and don't flaunt them in public. This includes things like phones, wallets, and jewelry.

 Traveling can be a great experience, but it's essential to be aware of your surroundings and keep your belongings close to you. This includes things like phones, wallets, and jewelry. If you're carrying a self-defense weapon, keep it hidden and out of sight. You may become a target for thieves if you display your valuables in public. Take some simple precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.

 How to carry yourself & what to wear

 When it comes to avoiding getting mugged, there are two things you can control: how you carry yourself and what you wear.

Carry yourself with confidence. Walk with your head up and make eye contact with people. This will show potential muggers that you're aware of your surroundings and not an easy target.

Dress defensively. Wear clothes with pockets or places where you can easily hide a weapon. You should also avoid wearing flashy jewelry or carrying expensive items in plain sight.

 Trust your gut. If something feels off, it probably is. Be alert and ready to respond if someone does try to mug you. If you're out and about and something feels off, trust your gut and get to a safe place. It's better to be safe than sorry; if someone tries to mug you, being alert and ready to respond is critical. Most people know they can avoid getting mugged if they carry a self-defense tool, and it helps for sure. However, there are other ways to avoid getting mugged.

 1. Again, be aware of your surroundings. If you see someone who looks suspicious, cross the street.

 2. Walk with purpose. Muggers are looking for easy targets. This is extremely important to understand, grasp, and deploy!

 How to act if you are being followed

 If you're being followed, don't panic. Instead, take these steps to increase your safety by minimizing your vulnerability.

 1. If you think you're being followed, cross the street. This will give you a better view of the person behind you and may cause them to move on.

 2. If the person continues to follow you, go to a public place where other people are. This will make it more difficult for the person to attack or rob you.

 3. If possible, call 911 or another emergency number for help. The police can assist you in safely getting away from the situation.

 Nobody wants to become a victim of a mugging, but it can happen to anyone. In order to avoid getting mugged, you should be aware of your surroundings and carry a self-defense tool. Many types of self-defense tools are available [like a Defender self-defense tool], so choose one that is right for you. With a bit of preparation, you can ensure that you are not an easy target for a mugger.

 Carry a self-defense tool

 There is no one who wants to be a victim of a mugging, but it can happen to anyone. Self-defense is best achieved by carrying a self-defense weapon.

 Many different types of self-defense weapons are available on the market, and finding the right one for you can be difficult. But it's essential to find one that you feel comfortable using and that will fit your lifestyle. The one we recommend is a self-defense weapon known as a Defender. It comes in many models, and there is one that is just right for you and your lifestyle. They are non-lethal, easy to use, quick to learn, and do a fantastic job defending you against an attacker.

 The most important thing is always to carry your self-defense weapon. That way, you'll be prepared to defend yourself if ever attacked.

 Self-defense is a skill that every woman should learn. It is easy to use and easy to learn, and does a fantastic job defending you against an attacker. The best self-defense weapon for women is a Defender model known as the Typhon. It is a no-nonsense self-defense tool that you can use against a mugger or even a carjacker.

 When the safety of your children is at stake, you can't mess around being Miss Nice girl. It is small and easy to carry and gives you a chance to escape while you disable your attacker.

 Another excellent self-defense weapon is pepper gel "spray," which does an excellent job of messing up your attacker. The gel is preferred as it is still deployable in wind and rain, unlike a pepper stray.

 What to do if you are mugged

 No one wants to think about being mugged, but what to do when it happens. Here are some tips from the pros on how to avoid getting mugged and what to do if you're already being attacked.

 1. Be aware of your surroundings. Be extra vigilant if you're walking alone or in a high-crime area. Please pay attention to who is around you and what they're doing.

 2. Don't look like an easy target. Avoid wearing flashy jewelry or carrying large amounts of cash. Be cautious when using your phone in public, as thieves may target you for a quick robbery.

 3. Trust your instincts. Don't hesitate to walk away or call for help if something feels wrong.

 4. If you do get attacked, resist! You have a 50% chance of escaping if you fight back.

 5. If all else fails, scream for help! Use your voice as a weapon to scare off attackers. However, scream FIRE and not help. Everyone will call the fire department but not call the police as they don’t want to get involved. But one thing is for sure; they don’t want their property to burn down! And who comes with the fire department? The Police!!!!

 Mugging statistics 

 According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which the U.S. Department of Justice conducts, there were an estimated 403,290 victims of robbery in the United States in 2018. The majority of these victims, about 62 percent, were male. The median age for all robbery victims was 24 years old.

 What to do if you are being mugged

 No one ever wants to be mugged, but there are things to do in case it happens to you. It's important to stay calm. If you panic, it will only make the situation worse.

 Consider these tips if you find yourself being mugged:

 1. Try to stay calm and avoid panicking. This will only make the situation worse.

2. If possible, try to escape the attacker and move towards a safe place.

3. If you feel comfortable fighting back, then do so. If not, then just go with it and hope for the best nonviolent outcome.

4. If you are attacked, hand over your valuables.

5. If you are mugged, remember as much detail about the attacker as possible. This will help the police catch the person who did this to you.

6. If you have time, take note of the attacker's appearance and clothing.

7. Get a good look at the attacker's face so you can identify them later.

8. Write down the license tag number of the attacker’s vehicle.

9. Make sure you report any incidents to the police, even if you were not injured and nothing was stolen.

10. If you are injured, get immediate medical attention.

11. If you believe you are being followed, go to a public place and call the police.

12. Be careful when using a mobile phone in public, as it can easily give away your location to an attacker.

13. If you are being harassed, note any telephone numbers from which the person has called you and block them or get a new SIM card for your mobile phone.

14. If you are being harassed, do not respond in any way. If they know they have got to you, they will harass you even more.

15. Do not give out personal information in public places; be careful when posting your details on social networking sites such as Facebook. 

16. If you are being harassed, call the police even if you think it is a trivial incident. They will stop if the harasser thinks no one is listening to them.

17. If you are being harassed, go to the police station to report the incident. They will take an initial statement and make a report. The officer in charge of your case will be able to give you advice and ensure that action is taken against the perpetrator.

18. If you are being harassed at home, take your personal belongings and leave. If you are living with your partner, discuss the situation with them. You may be able to get away from an abusive partner or family member if you can prove that the person is harassing you.

19. If you are being harassed at work, try to resolve the matter informally and through your employer. Talk to your union representative or lawyer if something else is needed. For more information on harassment, see the Equality Commission's,

 How to prevent getting mugged 

Preventing mugging requires paying attention to one's surroundings, being aware of possible danger, and taking proactive steps to avoid becoming a victim.

 When walking alone, it is essential to be aware of who and what is around you. If you see someone who looks suspicious, it is best to cross the street or walk in the opposite direction. It is also essential to keep your belongings close to you and not flaunt them in public. A purse or bag held close to your body is less likely for a thief to snatch it and run.


The aftermath of a mugging 

Victims of mugging can suffer long-term consequences as a result of this serious crime. The physical and emotional scars can be profound and long-lasting. Victims of mugging often feel unsafe and anxious in public places. They may have trouble sleeping and suffer from flashbacks or nightmares. Often, they feel isolated and alone. It is crucial to get help. Many support groups and counseling services are available to help victims recover and heal.

 Mugging support groups

 These groups can provide emotional support and practical advice on dealing with the aftermath of a mugging. They can also help you to understand your rights and options and connect you with other resources that can help.

 Many resources are available online if you are interested in finding a mugging support group. Contact your local police department or victim services agency for more information.

 Need help? To learn more about Safe Horizon or to reach our 24-hour hotline, visit Safehorizon.org/. 911 should be called in an emergency.

 Conclusion: staying safe

 When it comes to personal safety, there are no guarantees. Despite this, it is possible to lower your risk of being victimized by a crime. We have highlighted many of the aspects that can help you lower your chance of being victimized. As pointed out several times over situational awareness, being proactive in your self-defense, and learning to use and carry a self-defense weapon or self-defense tool. All these steps mentioned above can go a long way to helping you NOT get mugged and from being a victim of a violent crime.

 General Discussion

 In a mugging use of deadly force might be a reasonable force, according to many experts, as an affirmative defense. However, we must always be reasonable person when we are involved in violent crime. Other than deadly weapons like the self-defense weapon known as a Defender, or stun guns should always be options. These types of weapons don't usually do great bodily harm as with such force, they are not designed to cause serious injury. However, the amount of force used in a last resort self defense, especially in a dangerous situations is the best way to find yourself in need of legal advice. In a self-defense case, you will have the involvement of criminal defense attorneys and other criminal defense lawyers, and without reasonable doubt, you will need to address them.


This fact shouldn't deter you from your own defense or the defense of others. It is just "what is." Use of non-deadly force against the threat of violence in your own home or domestic violence is the first thing [unlike using brass knuckles or a baseball bat]. The general rule in the initial attack of any threatening situation is to use lawful self-defense. I understand that this is difficult to attain as a victim of an attack and with sometimes much distance to protect yourself with the necessary force to stop the violence. Defending yourself is, by nature, a very fluid event, especially with a non-lethal weapon and using justifiable use of force. Always check your state law about self defense weapons, as in some states like North Carolina, New Jersey, and New York, have strange definitions of aggravated assault that paints a poor picture on the potential victim.


Master Peter Brusso







Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Never Become a Victim of Domestic Violence Again: Your Guide to Self-Defense



Domestic violence is a genuine and terrifying thing. According to the well respected National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in four women and one in seven males will become victims of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. If you find yourself in a domestic violence situation, there are some things you can do to defend yourself. 

General Discussion

Domestic violence cases may, at times, involve a family member and result in domestic violence charges. An abusive relationship is a mess for sure and can also result in a protective order, criminal case, a criminal defense attorney, false allegation, physical abuse, and a police report! 

Many things to think about there but also things that might result from an abusive partner are false allegations and other domestic violence situations, leading to a restraining order or sometimes known as a contact order. In domestic violence defense, which is a valid defense against domestic abuse, emotional abuse, or even sexual assault, can end with the use of force.

In this article, you will learn about that in a more profound format. In the case of a self-defense argument or the defense of others, your own safety falls into legal protections and legal rights. It’s not your fault! 

Domestic battery and accusations of domestic violence with domestic partners will force you to pull together a legal team to combat these violent actions. A domestic violence lawyer can be the professional help you need and can mount a solid defense with the type of evidence a police report can bring.

An act of self-defense are not only women issues but men’s as well. A victim of abuse isn’t a gender! Violent crime and imminent threat is enough evidence to press charges in places like but not limited to San Bernardino, San Diego, Orange County, and most places where victims of domestic violence live! But that is good news, as an experienced domestic violence attorney can be located in all 50 United States. Once you are safe, you can also contact the national domestic violence hotline for help.

Other places for help are at your local police station, and they can help you locate legal assistance, support groups, plus other different forms of help. You are not alone. So, let’s get into the issues and learn what we need to do in order to perform self-defense in this abusive situation and how “reasonable doubt” might play into the defense of self-defense.

One in four women will experience a domestic violence episode

One in four women will experience a domestic violence episode during their lifetime. There are several definitive ways to defend yourself in a domestic violence situation, and there are many steps you can take to improve your safety. This article will look at many of these ways to defend yourself.

If you find yourself in an abusive relationship, the first step is to reach out for help. Many national and local resources are available to assist you, including the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233. 

It is also essential to develop a safety plan. This may include things like knowing where to go if you need to leave quickly, having a packed bag ready, having your defender 1 tool known as a self defense weapon, in your hand, and memorizing essential phone numbers. You should also make sure you have access to money and transportation. 

In the event of an attack, try to stay calm and focused. In the self-defense weapon FREE training video, you learn techniques that will make you feel comfortable or any other women self defense weapons. Try to assess the situation and seek an opportunity to escape the abusive relationship

If you don’t have an opportunity to escape, consider the safest way to protect yourself. Use your voice and make noise to alert people in the building that you are being abused. You may also consider getting a safety device such as pepper spray, a Defender 1, or a personal alarm. If you are experiencing abuse, you can also contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline or the National Dating Abuse Helpline at 800-799-7233.

What is domestic violence?: common myths & facts

Domestic violence is a pattern of an abusive relationship that one partner uses to gain or maintain control over another intimate partner. Domestic violence can be sexual, physical, economic, emotional, or psychological situations or threats to influence the person. This may include any behaviors that intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame, hurt, injure, or kill. 

There are many myths and facts surrounding domestic violence. A common myth is that domestic violence only occurs between a husband and wife. However, domestic violence can occur between two people who are married or not married; heterosexual, gay, or lesbian; living together; separated, or dating. 

Another myth is that only men can be perpetrators of domestic violence. Women can also be abusers and use different forms of abuse, such as emotional blackmail and financial control over their partners. A Defender self defense tool can be used for men too, and the online training video has self defense techniques for men too.

Warning signs of an abusive partner

Warning signs of an abusive partner are not always easy to spot. However, certain behaviors may indicate that your partner is abusive. If your partner consistently puts you down, calls you names, or criticizes you, this may be a sign of abuse. 

Additionally, if your partner prevents you from seeing your friends or family, controls your finances, or tracks your whereabouts, this may also be a sign of abuse. You should reach out for assistance if you suspect your partner is abusive. Many resources are available to victims of domestic violence, and you do not have to face this situation alone. 

How to create a safety plan

It’s a priority to have a safety plan in place in case you find yourself in a domestic violence situation. Here are essential concepts to keep in top of mind when creating your safety plan:

1. Identify the warning signs of abuse and be sure to take them seriously. If you’re feeling unsafe, it’s essential to trust your gut and take action to protect yourself.

2. It is good to have a safe space in your home where you can go if things get heated. This can be a room with no windows or a space where you can easily access a phone or weapon if necessary.

3. Have an escape route planned out. This could involve a friend or family member you can call for help, knowing where you can go should you find yourself in a position to need to leave quickly, or a stash money saved up in case you need to flee suddenly.

4. Let people know what’s going on. If you want to get serious about protecting yourself, you must tell someone else in your life that you need help. This could be a friend, family member, teacher, or even a counselor at your school. 

5. Be aware of your surroundings. If you’re being followed, go into a store or somewhere busy for safety. If someone is following you, call the police and stay on the phone with them until they arrive. 

6. Trust your gut. If you sense someone is watching or following you, trust yourself and don’t dismiss the feeling. 

7. Report it. If you feel like a situation is making you uncomfortable, tell a trusted adult about it so they can help. Terry Crews wants to encourage men to speak out about sexual assault as he did.  

8. Get educated on the laws of consent. According to RAINN, in most states, you can’t give consent if you’re under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In some states, you can’t give consent if you’re asleep or unconscious. 

9. If you are assaulted, report it to the police immediately. It’s a must to be aware of your rights and where you stand legally so that your case doesn’t get dropped because of a technicality. 

10. If you are assaulted, there are resources to help you—the National Sexual Assault Hotline, available 24/7 at 800.656. 

How to defend yourself during an attack

You can do a few things to defend yourself during an attack, especially in an abusive relationship. First, stay calm and think clearly. This will help you assess the situation and decide how to defend yourself best. Second, try to create distance between you and your attacker. 

This will give you time to escape or call for help. Finally, use whatever you have at hand to defend yourself. This could be a weapon, like a knife or pepper spray, self defense tool, self defense weapon, a Defender 1, or some other improvised weapon. Whatever you can use to create distance or slow down your attacker will help you stay safe until you can get away. 

The importance of reporting abuse

Reporting abuse is one of the more significant things a person can do to defend themselves in a domestic violence situation. By reporting the abuse, or an abusive relationship, victims can get the help they need to escape the abusive situation and get protection from their abuser. 

When victims report abuse, they can get support from law enforcement, prosecutors, and other agencies to help them escape their abuser and get protection. These agencies can also provide victims with resources such as safe housing, counseling, and legal assistance. In addition, reporting will launch domestic violence charges, a protective order, and a police report

Reporting abuse also helps hold abusers accountable for their actions and can prevent them from harming other people. Abusers who are arrested and convicted of domestic violence offenses often face significant consequences, such as jail time, a criminal case, fines, and court-ordered treatment programs. They will also need to get a criminal defense attorney to defend against domestic violence charges, which isn’t a cheap thing to do.

Conclusion: you are not alone

In any domestic violence situation or abusive relationship, it is essential to remember that you are not alone. There are people who care for you and want to help. There are also organizations that can provide support and resources.

Get training on using non-lethal best self defense tools for women, like a self-defense weapon known as a Defender 1 or one of the other models of Defenders.

If you are in immediate danger, call 911. If you want to communicate to someone concerning what is happening, the National Domestic Violence Hotline provides crisis counseling and 24/7 support for victims of domestic violence.

You should also reach out to family and friends for support. They can provide the following:

  • A listening ear.
  • A shoulder to cry on.
  • Practical help with childcare or transportation.

If you want help with a domestic violence experience, there are ways to get help. You are not alone, and there is hope for a better future. 

Master Peter Brusso


Email: Master Brusso