Monday, March 01, 2010

Might she still be with us if...?? San Diego teenager Chelsea King, might still be with us if she had carried some from of self defense. At least she might have had a fighting chance! I used to live in Poway where she is from, and walked around lake hodges many times. There seems to more teens missing from the area as well! It drives me crazy to think that maybe a simple tool like the self defense weapon might have been carried along on her run and she might have had a fighting chance; things might be different then they now appear. My heart goes out to the victim and the family. This crime was a discussion point throughout my day and I wanted to remind us all that you self defense needs should be thought about BEFORE you need them!

I went for a short hike this weekend and saw others walking this very deserted trail, all alone, and out in no where. What if they were attacked? A few had walking sticks but do they really know how to use them for their own self defense? On my martial arts website I have DVDs available for a walking stick and how to defend yourself: hanbo is what the Japanese call a walking stick... Also, if you are running or walking in remote area's you should have something to help defend yourself... for example a self defense weapon, a knife, or pepper spray. Don't go out where you might get attacked without some preparation. I know its hard to think about it but look at this poor family and what they have to deal with now?

Here in California weapons are frowned down upon. You just are not supposed to carry one but rather rely on the police for your protection. Lets face it, they can't be everywhere we go and most likely not in these remote places. Not to say attacks don't hit you in a civilized location, i.e., a parking lot or even at the mall. So, what I'm saying is take your safety first and foremost NOW and look at what your options are; do something to protect yourself, your loved ones and your family! Finally, if nothing else get a Defender 2, learn to use it and carry it with you when you go out to these remote area's to exercise or site see! Don't be the next victim!!!

Master Peter Brusso

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